NUMSA,SACCA to picket at DPE offices against corruption and job losses

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The South African Cabin Crew Association (SACCA) and the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) will be picketing at the offices of the Department of Public Enterprises on Tuesday to protest against corruption and job losses.

NUMSA General Secretary Irvin Jim said at least 130 of their members at SAA are on the verge of being dismissed because the Training Lay Off scheme is coming to an end. “These workers should have been absorbed into the new airline, but SAA has mismanaged this process entirely. Meanwhile, management has re-employed staffers who accepted Voluntary Severance Packages (VSP’s).”

Jim said accepting a VSP means you have signed away your rights and you may not come back but some of these managers were brought back to SAA. “The VSP’s were funded through tax payer money. If you are re-employed at SAA after taking the VSP, this is a form of corruption.”

He further said at the same time, ordinary workers who were absorbed into the new airline, lost their benefits and conditions of employment. But the packages that management and specialists receive are more generous than that of ordinary workers. “Workers at SAA are suffering whilst the same management that brought the airline to the point of destruction, are rewarded with generous packages”.

NUMSA will be handing over a memorandum of demands on these and other issues.

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