Augrabies Falls National Park Remains Open

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The mighty Orange River has increased at Augrabies Falls National Park (AFNP) to over 3000 cumec (cubic metre per second) and according to information received from the Department of Water and Sanitation it will remain at this flow until the weekend and then slowly decline over the next two weeks. This means that there will be high levels of water for approximately the next three weeks.

Due to these high levels, South African National Park’s (SANParks) management has temporarily closed three(3) of the seven(7) viewing decks at the falls as a safety precaution and to ensure all guests enjoy the waterfall with peace of mind. Guests are requested to be cautious due to the slippery and wet conditions cause by the mist from the waterfall.

AFNP remains open to the public and is accessible for day visitors and those who wish to overnight in the park. The other four (4) viewing points still offer a close-up experiences of the 56 meter high main falls that cascade into the granite abyss of the Orange River Gorge.

The AFNP restaurant and shop are both still open for customers to refresh and experience the waterfall or to stock up for the self-catering options.

For more information and to book, please contact SANParks Reservations on 012 428 9111, or visit

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