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The Democratic Alliance (DA) applied to be joined to the Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) application to the Constitutional Court, in which it seeks a postponement of the October 2021 election to early 2022.The deadline for their submission is 11 August 2021 and they have resolved to make it public because the matter is of vital national importance.
DA Federal Council Chairperson Helen Zille said in their submission, they show that it is entirely possible, based on the scientific evidence relating to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the logistical requirements preceding an election, for Election 2021 to be held on the scheduled date of October 27.
“There is no evidence that elections cause a spike in infections, when proper protocols are applied”. It is clear that neither the ANC nor the EFF are ready to hold an election on the constitutionally prescribed date, by the 1st November 2021. Now, over and above this, the proposal is to postpone elections – which will clearly not be able to be held if the country is once more at a peak of an infection wave in February 2022.”
Zille added that if the court were to arrogate to itself the power to change the Constitution because “it suits the ANC, the precedent would be entirely disastrous and would be the precursor to the unravelling of our constitutional democracy.”