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The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) says it has learnt with sadness the passing of its National Spokesperson, Khaya Xaba. He passed away in the early hours of Sunday morning due to illness complications.
Xaba joined NEHAWU in 2016 as a media liaison officer coming from the ranks of the Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA).
NEHAWU said his passing is not only a loss to the national union but workers in general especially at this critical moment when workers are confronted with third wave of COVID-19.
“When members and workers were losing their lives due to the pandemic, it was Comrade Xaba through the union that was in the forefront in communicating and exposing the deteriorating conditions workers had to endure.
“In his honour, NEHAWU will intensify the struggle to end all forms of exploitation of workers by employers including defending collective bargaining which is currently under threat from our government.”