Victory for NEHAWU members

Business News

Tebogo Msimanga |

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) has scored a major victory for its members at the Amanzi Bargaining Council (ABC).

NEHAWU General Secretary Zola Saphetha said the Union has been engaged in protracted wage negotiations with the employer and the negotiations dragged on for a very long time.” At some point the employer unilaterally decided to suspend the negotiations. At the beginning the employer presented a 0% salary increase for our members and workers”

Saphetha said after extensive fighting they were able to score a 6.5% salary increase which will be backdated to the 1st July 2020 for their members and workers who fall under the bargaining council.

He added that it was agreed that workers housing allowance and annual leave shall be increased in accordance with the provisions of the 2019/2020 salary agreement

Saphetha said NEHAWU will continue to fight for the improvement of salaries and working conditions of its members and workers in general.

“Our members can be rest assured that they have a fighting union on their side. We will continue to wage a relentless war to protect workers interest and their gains in all sectors we organise.”  Concluded Saphetha.

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